Six Don’ts to Remember when Starting with Diabetic Strength Training
|Starting with Diabetic Strength Training without the consent of your doctor is not advisable as it might result to serious complications. You are more prone to injury because of the damage done by peripheral neuropathy affects depending on how long you been having diabetes.

Autonomic neuropathy means that you can’t trust your own pulse to tell you if your heart can handle the stress. You must depend on how you feel whether you are able to breathe through each exercise.
Doctors advise their patients to strengthen their balance so that you can avoid injuries from falling. Some of the recommended form of exercises that neuropathic patients can try are biking with resistance (you could try a spin class), swimming, rowing and arm exercises are advisable for neuropathic patients.
- Don’t forget about cooling down after each exercise so that the blood pressure can adjust. Talk to your doctor if you feel dizzy so that you don’t pass out.
- Never exercise without your diabetic shoes and socks. Check your feet for troubled spots after exercising, because your feet won’t tell you where blisters are forming.
- Never exercise without bringing water as you might pass out from too much exhaustion.
- Never forget about warming up! When doing strength training for the first time, start slowly and gradually heighten your exercise regimen when you feel you’re improving. Always do warm-ups before any major exercises and do one form of exercise over and over. Use different muscles each time you exercise so you won’t strain that single muscle. The muscle needs to rest, so that it can recuperate after subjected to stress. Don’t forget to breathe in every repetition so that you can last longer doing your exercise.
- Never do diabetic strength training daily. Give the body a day or two to rest between sessions so that the muscle had a chance to build up. Rest days are an important part of the whole process of raising skeletal muscle strength.
- Never create a program on your own if you’re just starting out as you don’t know which is which in strength is training yet. Though, there is a lot of strength training video on the net, it would be best to seek professional help as they know when to stop. A personal trainer has the knowledge to guide you in alternating the muscles you workout.
Another fitness regime you can try is yoga or Pilates, both gives you the best workout for core muscles.
A few minutes every other day for diabetic strength training will give you a huge benefit.