Myths about Low Carb Diets and Exercise
|Experts say that to lose weight you need to eat foods low carb foods and a follow carbohydrate restricted diet. I believe in this since the evidence that supports this is both large and convincing. But some people still say a thing like: “Low carb diets are the wrong approach to effective weight loss” and “Exercise and carb restriction don’t mix.”

It can’t be true since low carbohydrate diets are essential to control insulin, which is a key factor for health and weight loss.
Now, when it comes to exercise and low carbohydrate, people get mix up with this. The truth is that exercising on a low carb diet maybe tough for you, if you aren’t used to it.
Carbohydrates limit diets and exercise. There are two studies, which got published, in the early 80s looked at how very low carbohydrate diets (as low as 3% of calories) influenced the performance of endurance athletes. You might notice that most at least are PREOCCUPIED with carbohydrates.
In the first study (The Vermont Study) subjects were told to eat low carb foods for 6 weeks, and in the second study, (The MIT Study) the subjects asked to limit carbohydrates consumption for 4 weeks. Throughout the first week, the participants for both studies were complaining feeling tired. However, when the studies were finished the participants did not have any decrease in peak aerobic performance. In the MIT Study, it was proven that essentially all the calories that the athletes were burning the whole time during their endurance workouts.
Perhaps, the major concern here is that it takes some time for your body to adjust how it functions on low carbs. At this time, you might feel lazy, but it doesn’t last long. The two studies have proven that exercise and low carb diet do mix.
The Vermont study had proven that you can get better at exercising if you’re eating low carbohydrate at the same time you’re working out.