4 Diets to Avoid When Thinking About Losing Weight

Other than exercise, diet is one of the secrets to lose weight. But, some diets are dangerous for you. In this article, I will discuss some of the wrong diets that might be harmful for you.


wrong diets
wrong diets

The four diets, which I’m going to talk about, will do you more harm than good; eventually costing a lot of money in the long run.

Here, are the 4 types of diets that should be avoided:

1. Replacing food with supplements…

It involves pure drinking protein shakes and/or taking lots of supplements to replace eating real food.

What’s the problem with this diet? In the long run, you’ll be having some problem with our metabolism. You will end up eating more and fatter when you give up this diet.

2. Starvation dieting…

This type of diet will let you lose weight because of the huge deficit of calorie, but it is hard to keep up with this diet. Promised, you will never last with this diet!

Additionally, starvation dieting will make you feel miserable every day. You will easily tire as there is no energy to keep you up with your daily activities!

3. Detox dieting…

By all means, cleansing your body free from toxins will help you avoid diseases. The toxins accumulate overtime, and we need to clean it now and then.

However, diets purely based on detox is wrong.

I recommend drinking at least 1/2 ounce of water per pound of your current body weight, eat more green veggies, add freshly squeezed lemon to your water, and drink 3 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar mixed with 8 ounces of water 3 times a day.

4. Restricting nutrients…

Doing away with fats and carbs aren’t the answer to getting that body you have always wanted; the truth is that it is the other way around!

Reducing carbs and fats will just extend how long it takes for you to get in shape, also causing issues with your digestive system and metabolism. You’ll be missing out on improving many areas of your internal health (digestive health, heart health, cholesterol levels, blood pressure level, artery health, and more).

Don’t think that I’m telling you eat high carbohydrate food or some high fatty food. High carbohydrate and high fatty foods are still a no-no. I just mean to enjoy eating foods that have GOOD carbs and GOOD fats.

Good carbs come from high fiber foods such as quinoa, dark green veggies, and apples. Good fats come from foods high in monounsaturated fat and omega fatty acids (such as fish, nuts, and olive oil).

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