Wouldn’t Weight Loss Surgery Work for Teens too?

Teen obesity seems to be common nowadays. The number of overweight teen appears to be growing every day and so as the popularity of weight loss surgery among adolescents.

weight loss surgery for teens
weight loss surgery for teens

This is despite the fact weight loss surgery can’t be afforded by the general public. Those who can afford it are only those who belongs to the rich society the fact that the cost of weight.

There are several surgical options to choose from, many of them offer the best possible results. Teenagers can opt for lap band, gastric bypass, gastric sleeve and mini gastric bypass.

Obese teens are in danger of acquiring serious medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, and joint problems. The rising teenage obesity rate has contributed to the weight loss surgery trend around the world.

Does It Works for Teens?

Many studies have proven that surgical treatment can help teens to lose weight, but doctors are pessimistic about it.

Though, many experts claim that surgery is not an option for teens for them to lose weight; there are some who believes non-surgical treatment such as diet and exercise won’t work for teens.

Because of several studies, which have proven the effectiveness of bariatric surgery for morbidly obese adolescents, the weight loss surgery not accepted as an effective weight reduction strategy for teen population.

Surgical Options for Obese Teens

For those teens that have a problem with their bulging belly, there is weight loss surgery that could help them enhance their lifestyle. However, should be prepared both physically and emotionally before they undergo the operation.

Just like adult obese patients, teens have two options – Restrictive or combined Restrictive and Malabsorptive procedures.

Restrictive form of weight loss surgery is the less invasive one. It limits the intake of food by reducing the size of the stomach. The patient will feel full even though they have eaten a very small amount of food. Examples of restrictive weight loss surgery procedures are gastric band, the gastric balloon, and the gastric sleeve.

The combined restrictive/malabsorptive procedure is the complicated version of weight loss surgery. The operation aim in reducing the person’s food ability to consume food, by limiting the nutrients and calories found in the digestive system.

Despite, several studies have proven the safeness of such procedure. It is still vital for the prospective patients to be evaluated to ensure suitability for the surgical operation.

Family support and a strict diet should be administered for the rest of their lives after the surgery to avoid any risk of gaining the weight back.

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