A Healthy Lifestyle helps in reducing High Blood Sugar Levels all through Pregnancy


For a woman, the most exciting part of their life is the pregnancy period, but dealing with blood sugar level problems can be a real problem for an expecting mother. Just being diagnosed with diabetes is already an issue so you can imagine how far serious this would be for someone who is expecting a child. The condition is otherwise known as Gestational Diabetes in which blood sugar levels are too high.


pregnant woman
pregnant woman

Gestational diabetes condition takes place because of the rise in blood sugar level, and diagnosed during pregnancy when normal hormonal changes occurs which affect insulin sensitivity.

Health Risk For A Baby

This type of diabetes can cause health complications, both for the baby and mother. Because of the variation in glucose levels, circulation of blood in our body increases and the pancreas has a difficult time in fulfilling its job of producing enough insulin. Insulin help regulates blood sugar levels.

When such condition happens, the blood of the diabetic women interchanged with that of her baby inside the womb. With more of the unused sugar leading to fat deposit, this causes the baby to grow bigger than ordinary. A lot of women who becomes bigger in between pregnancies have an increased risk of developing gestational diabetes all through their second pregnancy.

Women have an increase chances of suffering from this form of diabetes if they fall under the following category:

• Older than 35 when you are pregnant

• Encompass family history of diabetes

• Have constant high blood pressure

• Overweight before pregnancy

Attain Healthy Pregnancy Despite Raised Blood Sugar

As pregnancy carry on, hormones are produced, which block the effect of insulin; therefore raisin the blood sugar level.

If you didn’t acquire gestational diabetes, having your blood glucose range within healthy state i.e. between 90 and 130 mg/dl, is a sign of active health. The following are some tips that can help you to maintain healthy blood sugar levels:

1. Stay away from calorie rich food

Throughout pregnancy, blood becomes rich in sugar and our body needed an added amount of insulin than before pregnancy to help control the rise of blood sugar. Therefore, the food eaten during pregnancy must not be nutrient deficient. In other words, don’t eat food that has preservative in them. It’s better take vegetable juices (without preservatives) as they highly support the general health state of pregnant diabetic woman and are low in sugar.

2. High nutritional fiber foods: Essential for normal blood sugar counts

A balanced diet must consist of foods that are rich in fiber in order to maintain a healthy lifespan. Fiber is a carbohydrate that our body system has a hard time digesting. Fiber can provide the body with energy and to maintain our digestive system which in turn results in healthy blood sugar levels. A fiber rich diet must include vegetables, dried beans, cereals and other whole-grain foods.

3.Eat a low fat diet or low-glycemic diet

Don’t eat meat, butter, cream, full fat cheese and food items created from coconut, palm or palm kernel oil as insulin function becomes less proficient in a high-fat diet. Concentrate on eating food that are low fat like fish, vegetable oils etc.

4. Self-control with regular monitoring

Monitor your blood sugar level regularly and keep in touch with a physician as steadily as possible. Most expert will agree that the only way to know if a pregnant diabetic woman is successful in controlling her blood glucose through examining levels repeatedly (going for intended frequent checks ideally 5 times a day).

5. Practice moderate exercise

Some studies have proven that women who are engage in regular exercise are less likely to develop gestational diabetes as compared to women who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Try to maintain regular set of exercise or physical activities. There is no need to opt for hard or strenuous exercise; just a light work-out will do in order to avoid the onset of this condition. As always, consult your doctor before proceeding with any exercise program.

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