The Biggest Loser’s past contestants talks about their weight loss experienced
|Thinking of losing the pounds you gain last year? You might want to watch “The Diet Show.” The show not only motivates you, but there are times that you might need to stand and move.

The show is presented by the comedian Gilbert Gottfried, but sad to say to that he isn’t around to start the show. As a substitute, past winner and contestants of the reality show “The Biggest Loser” were the ones who presented the show. Currently, the weight loss reality show just kicked off a new season.
Remembering their success stories their success stories and other contestants who were not lucky talks about their battle of the bulges in ways that are both moving and amusing.
“Biggest Loser” contestant Jim Germanakos sang a medley, while Tara Costa orders the audience to stand up and have a workout in “The Diet Show.”
Season 4 winner Bill Germanakos shares his experience when he joined the weight loss reality show. Saying that the show motivated him to lose weight when could not enjoy a roller coaster with his young daughter because he can’t fit in the roller coaster. He is currently a full-time motivational speaker. Nicole Michalik, who loses 105 pounds on the reality show, claimed that she wanted to slim down to turn into a “hot slut.” And finalist Alfredo Dinten describe his days job as a “food-truck stalker”.
Because of Sean Pomper’s direction, some guest tried their best to be funny. Suzanne Mendonca, who looks like a bumblebee, tells her childhood as a young beauty-pageant contestant. And Jim Germanakos, who is the twin of Bill sings a medley of advertising jingles commending the joys of Oscar Mayer wieners and Rice-A-Roni.
Perky finalist Tara Costa remembers how she was once a 300 pounds isn’t contented with just talking: She makes sure that the audience would stand up and wave their arms around. She wanted to help the audience get a good stretch.
The show wasn’t all about the guest as there were some people who manage to be caught in their entertaining moments. Plus-size model Krista Mays talks off her cloth to prove that she has a hard time wearing a pair of Spanx.
Past winner Erik Chopin makes the show some emotional after talking about losing his battle with the bulge.