Binge Eating is affected by other factors other than Psyhological Pressures

New study suggests that women were more likely to be binge eaters than men. Scientist believes that this is not just because of their environment as it has something to do with other aspect, as well.

For the study, researchers had done some experiment on male and female rats, wherein they found that they were more likely to overeat than their male counterparts – signifying that cultural pressures aren’t the only culprits.

The study is the first of its kind as it is the first one that was done that establishes sex differences in rates of binge eating in animals. Researchers believe that it is also applicable to humans, as well.

People suffering from binge eating disorder eat more than other people without the eating disorder. They are the ones that can’t control themselves whenever they are in front of so many foods.

The research indicates that women were 10 times more likely to suffer from an eating disorder than men. Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that women are more emotional than men.

Two of the celebrities that are noted for their binge eating habits are Oprah Winfrey and Janet Jackson.

Psychologist Professor Kelly Klump, of Michigan State University, noted how most theories on why eating disorders are widespread among women than men concentrate on the rise in cultural and psychological pressure that girls and women face.

The study implies that there are biological factors that contribute to eating disorder because of the fact that female never experience any psychosocial pressures that humans do. If female rats do experience it then it would be too thin that it can’t affect the rat emotionally.

The new research is considered the strongest evidence that men ever found tying eating disorders to biological factors.

The study lasted for two weeks, wherein 60 rats (half female and half male) were subjected into a food experiment. The rats were fed with pellets, but sometimes they are fed with vanilla frosting.

What they found if that the female are consumed more frosting across all feeding tests, was up to six times higher in female compared with male rats.

Professor Klump thinks that binge eating may be linked to the brain’s natural reward system, or the extent to which someone likes and seeks reward.

Currently, another test that the researchers are conducting on rats is aimed for finding whether if female brains are more sensitive and responsive to rewarding stimuli such as food high in fat and sugar, and chemicals that stimulate that trigger reward behavior.

Scientists hope that the new study could lead to better therapy for people with binge eating habit.

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