Sexercise – the best form of Exercise to Lose Weight
|So many people who want to lose or maintain their weight goes to the gym, but there are other ways to do it. A usual suggestion would be something like get into sports, but this suggestion is unique since nothing beats this. Sexercise is regarded as the best form of exercise as you will definitely enjoy it as you do it.

What is Sexercise?
Basically, it is sex that is done in positions that will challenge your endurance and strength during sex. Don’t expect to find it in any dictionary as this term was just new and got invented because of most people nowadays say that having sex is the best way to exercise. Experts say that you can burn 1000 calories per sexual act.
For example, you eat as much as 1000 calories a day, and you want to lose weight. Now, instead of going to the gym, you can burn the calories off by doing sexual acts with your partner at your home or in a motel. When you sexercise you burn as much as 1,000 calories per sexual act, meaning that there is nothing to worry about eating too much as you can burn it anyway.
Sexercising 3 times weekly helps you burn as much as 144,000 calories per year, which is the same amount of calories that you burn when you run for 14,400 miles per year.
Aside from the physical benefits of this exercise, it also makes you a better lover for your better half. By performing this exercise, you’ll be looking great, have a long lasting relationship with your better half, and keep bedroom boredom away.
So, if you want to lose weight. Try sexercise to lose weight as the benefits that you can get far exceeds any other form of exercises. All you have to do is to eat healthy food to stay healthy, and the rest is up to you and your partner in the evening.