6 Reasons why Diabetic needed to engage in Strength Training
|Most people know the benefits of exercise in their lives, especially when that a person suffers from chronic diseases like heart attack, diabetes and so on. A great way to exercise is through weight training, but the problem is that most people tend to stay away from it because they think that it is not for them. They believe that weight training are for bodybuilders that want to be bigger.

Despite the fact that most diabetic think that weight training is not for them, it shouldn’t be treated as only for the young and athletic. Weight training or strength training for most benefits people from all ages. This is not something for the young only as older men and women can benefit from strength training, as well.
Even though, strength training is often associated with muscle building, the truth is that is far more than that. Strength training helps diabetics in many ways:
- Strengthens bones. As people grow older, they tend to lose bone density, which is especially true among women who are post-menopausal. Strength training help you keep your bone density and strengthen it to ward off certain skeletal conditions such as osteoporosis.
- Relieves arthritis. Arthritis, a common condition among aging people quickened with diabetes. Strength training not only strengthens joints, but also builds and tones the muscle, surrounding those joints, which creates a more solid structure. A strong joint alleviates some of the pain and pressure of the arthritis.
- Relieves back and neck pain. Most of the pain that people felt from in their head, neck, shoulders and lower back comes from poor posture and excess weight that we carry around. These conditions put some added weight on the spine creating pinched nerves and discomfort, oftentimes result to headache.
- Reduces falls. Falls is a normal occurrence among older diabetic adults. Some people with Type 2 Diabetes have trouble in their balance as they are the ones that are more likely to fall and break bones. Strength training enhances balance and strengthens the muscles which help to maintain a good, strong posture.
- Increases energy. By building more muscle, you ensure yourself of more energy that you can use throughout the day. When you have enough energy, you can exercise more.
- Control your blood sugar levels. This is the most important aspect of strength training for diabetics. Muscle burn fat even at rest, so the more muscle you build, the more fat you burn. Less fat means less blood sugar, and this is how exercise can keep your blood sugar under control.