Natural Supplements for Prostate Problem
|One of the most common diseases among older men is prostate problem. In fact, there are an estimated 50 percent of men in their 60s and up to 90 percent of men in their 70s and 80s suffering from enlarged prostates. Furthermore, one in six men is at risk to get prostate cancer, which holds the number 2 position when it comes to cancer death in men. But you don’t need to fear it as there are several ways to fight back, including taking natural supplements to prevent it.

Of course, those guys who are under 60’s don’t need to fear now as they got years ahead of them before that happens. But, it is important for you to act now in order to lessen the risk of occurrence in your later years. Below are some natural supplements that can be consumed to reduce the risk of prostate problems…
African Plum Tree Bark Extract
The extract coming from the bark of the tree called pygeum africanum have been proven effective for treating prostate problem. The extract is widely known for treating prostate in countries like Europe and the United States.
Researchers from Columbia discovered that the plant extract had a beneficial effect on prostate cancer cells in experimental mice. It can also be used for prostate cancer cells in vitro. The authors of the study believe that a supplement made out of this extract can lower the risk of prostate cancer. Even those with a family history of the disease can now avoid prostate cancer if they consume this supplement on a regular basis.
Sang Huang Mushroom Extract
The extract from a mushroom known as phellinus linteus was discovered by a group of scientist from Harvard Medical School to prevent the growth of prostate tumor. Researchers concluded that the extract can cause tumor regression by suggesting tumor cell growth.
White Button Mushroom Extract
This extract from the mushroom called agaricus bisporus was found in a research done in an institute to both reduce both prostate tumor size and proliferation as well as decreases the tumor cells both in vitro and in mice. The authors suggest the use of white button mushroom as a dietary supplement because it has the ability to fight prostate cancer growth in men.