Lessen your sugar intake and you would see some changes in the recovery of your liver
|According to a research which got published on PLOS ONE by scientists from Oregon State University, a diet with reduced fat and cholesterol might help to the recovery of the liver, but it can’t undo the damage that has already been done. What is even bad is that it could even lead to even more health complications such as cancer or cirrhosis.

The said study was done with some laboratory animals, want to prove that a diet low in fat and cholesterol might help you to lose weight, improve your health and metabolism. Unfortunately, since the diet is high on sugar, it won’t help much in the recovery of the liver.
The finding is timely as liver-related diseases are significant nowadays since there are around 10 to 35 percent of adult and a growing number of children are afflicted with such disease. If you are obese or type 2 diabetic then the risk is much higher.
“Many people eating a common American diet are developing extensive hepatic fibrosis, or scarring of their liver, which can reduce its capacity to function, and sometimes lead to cancer,” as stated by Donald Jump, a professor in the OSU College of Public Health and Human Sciences, principal investigator with the Linus Pauling Institute, and some colleagues that help him with the research.
Jump noted that the interest in finding a way to help the liver to recover is there, but the research claimed that diets lower in cholesterol and fat might not be enough to help you recover. There is still the need to reduce the intake of sugar while doing some other diets along with daily workouts.
Kelli Lytle, an OSU doctoral candidate and lead author of the study noted how serious the problem is since they are still conducting some study about the significance of a low-fat diet with the problem at hand. However, most of the concern is still with the too-much sugar found in food, even if it is ‘low-fat’ food products. Weight loss might improve your condition, but a diet high in sugar would slow the recovery of the liver that has been damage.
According to the study – liver inflammation, scarring and damage are the leading cause of the liver transplant and the problem might continue if this hasn’t been resolve. The damage done was first thought to be irreversible, but now new research proves that it can be partially reversed with the help of optimal diet through removal of the stimulant for liver injury.
The said report was conducted on two groups of laboratory mice – each one fed with a western diet then gradually switching to healthier diets, low in fat and cholesterol. While both of the group was seen with some changes, one group that was fed with a diet still fairly high in sugar — an amount of sugar comparable to the Western diet — had significantly higher levels of inflammation, oxidative stress and liver fibrosis.