A new way to exercise anywhere you want
|Sarah Kunst invented an app that could help those people, who are always at home to get motivated by some of the top fitness professionals and athletes to exercise. You don’t even need to be at your home as it can be available anywhere you go. This would be great for people, who are always on the go and frankly, this would be one of the favorites since most people do have a busy lifestyle that they don’t have the time to even go to the gym anymore.

“I was doing VC investing, living bi-coastally, and realized I was getting out of shape and didn’t have time to work out,” Kunst said.
The trip to her hometown in Michigan made her realize how much important is physical fitness. Kunst accompanied her mother to the hospital since she doesn’t much of an option. It was then that she realized that most people in America don’t get much of exercises simply because they don’t have the time and not that they are too lazy to go the gym.
Being one of the former Forbes under 30 list members, she just couldn’t pass the opportunity to do something for the community and would earn her money at the same time. It was then that she realizes that there aren’t enough rich guys investing their money on technology. And since most modern gym-goers consult the smartphones nowadays, it is fitting that a new app would help them to get fit.
She was able to get some funding from fellow millionaires Arielle Zuckerberg and Sara Haider, enabling her to launch her app Proday . The app allows users to interact with fitness professionals and well-known athletes that are willing to help people do their exercises wherever they are in the world.
For only $60/yearly or a mere $150 lifetime, a person could watch videos and follow athletes do their exercises through their smartphone. Kunst says that the appeal of big time athletes comes in twofold since it helps the athlete make money while making money at the same time. She noted that athletes workout as a full time job, so why not make money while doing that.
Source: Forbes