Fitness Training 101 – Using the TRX Suspension Trainer
|Since it is still New Year, let’s take your New Year with something and figure out how to use unique fitness equipment – the TRX Suspension Trainer . The TRX not only develops your core, but also your flexibility, strength and balance at the same time. What is exciting about TRX is that you can do a whole lot of exercises with it and get the body you want. The equipment let you use your own bodyweight as a resistance. The TRX can be set up at a gym or home.

Suspension training is the one of the hottest trends these days, and it uses bodyweight exercise. An individual will have no trouble to execute many exercises aim in building power, flexibility, balance strength, flexibility, and mobility with the option to choose the intensity level they want. TRX can challenge any people from any fitness level, from beginners to experts. Below are just three of the exercises that can be performed on TRX.
Sit on the floor while facing the wall then, position your heels steadily on the TRX. Use your arms to lift your body up. You have two options to use your arms; it can be either face forward near or far from the wall. You can choose which one you are comfortable with; the important thing is that you are far away from the wall in order to straighten your legs. In a back and forth motion, try to pull your knees as close as possible to your chest. Perform this exercise in three of se ts of fifteen to twenty reps.
Rear Fly “T”
Hold the TRX using both as you face the wall. Hold it as your palm faces one another. Straighten your back and extend your arms out with your elbows a little bent. Swing your arms back and forth in a controlled gesture. Squeeze the rear of the muscles together as you extend your arms out. By standing near the wall, you can create more resistance and by standing far away minimize the resistance. Perform the exercise in three sets of fifteen to twenty reps.
Chest Fly
Grab the TRX bands with both hands and face away from the wall. Forwardly lean on the wall using your elbows somewhat bent as you extend your arms widely. Maintain straight back as you push your arms forward to allow them to meet so that they meet in the center. Press the chest muscles as the hands come together. You will not have any problem in controlling the resistance since TRX uses your own bodyweight. In a controlled gesture, gradually go back into the starting position. Remember not to relax immediately while doing the wide arm stance. It may injure you if you try to move quickly. . Gradually go back to the starting as you control the entire motion. Do this exercise in three sets of fifteen to twenty reps.
I’m planning to buy one myself, so that I won’t need to go to the gym regularly.