Why most people fail with their Diet Program?
|While this article maybe too late or those who already started with their diet program, anyone who is just thinking of embarking on their diet program should heed this information. The same thing goes with those of you who got a slim body and want to stay the way they are with some help from diet. The effect of starvation to the body is very devastating not to take into consideration.

What triggers Weight Gain?
As long as we can maintain our body the same as always, there are no gains and loss. A balanced weight is identified as the total of a number of factors, shifts in any one of which affects weight directly, as well as other factors that may cause secondary effect. Let’s start with the primary factors in controlling weight, and here they are…
• Diet is intended to affect the normal intake of calories, resulting for the fat to be used up.
- Behavioral is the amount of physical activity that has something to do with calorific intake.
- Biological, not only refers to the aging process, but also how the body responds to different amounts and types of food we eat.
Our genetic materials somehow influence how we respond to such changes, and that explains why some people are vulnerable weight gain than others. The sad thing is that it is often ignored, thus, resulting to diet failures. The body not only reacts to pharmaceutical intrusion, but also to diet and behavioral changes, which affects us continuously.
The common action that people does to be fit
Typically, most people would resort to a diet, which limit the Caloric intake of food. This can somehow affect us psychologically. Most people has a habit of skipping meals, which often result for them to eat more the next time they eat. Sorry to say, that the craving doesn’t’ stop there.
How our body reacts after dieting?
At first, you will see some improvement on your body as you are slimming down. However, that stops there the moment that you slack from your exercise routine and diet. When there is not enough food in the body, the body sends a signal saying that it needs more. That is the time that we tend to eat too much.