8 Nutritional Tips to Aid you in Fitness Training

To be fit and healthy, you need a combination of both fitness training and healthy nutrition. Good nutrition gives us the strength during fitness training. Needless to say, if a diet is in shape then no workout can make-up for a bad diet. It is just a waste of time to exercise exercising when you don’t control your diet as you won’t see any result to your endeavor. Eating the right food prevents you from starving as it would only lead to body storing fats.



Helpful tips in keeping your nutrition in check:

  1. Eat Frequently – Eating 5 to 6 small meals each day is better than eating 3 large meals in a day. The first meal must be eaten within an hour of waking up to get your metabolism moving, and your last meal (snack) should be eaten within an hour before going to bed. If you get hungry during meal time, then you have waited too long to eat.
  2. Go For Quality – Stick with quality, clean eating as much as possible. By quality, I mean eating nutritious foods and not those processed foods!
  3. Remember Quantity – Always consider your portions and servings. Eat to be satisfied and not to be FULL. If you feel swollen, then you have eaten too much.
  4. Plan meals and snacks in advance – Having something to eat that is healthy will prevent anyone from hitting the vending machine or skipping an important meal. If you can keep a food log then do so as it is a great tool to help you see how much or how little you might be eating.
  5. Drink plenty of water – Water helps us to push the food to our stomach. It also helps in detoxifying the body and boosts our energy.
  6. Fiber should not be forgotten in your diet – the body needs at least 25 grams daily. Great sources are: beans, whole grains, brown rice, popcorn, nuts, berries and oatmeal.
  7. Get at least 8 hours of sleep – Doing fitness training means that the body gets subjected to wear and tear. The body needs enough rest to repair it body tissues.
  8. Understand the effect, of the current body composition, your exercise routines, and your daily lifestyle (i.e. sedentary, moderately active, or active). As well as, setting your personal goals (i.e. weight loss, change in body composition, build muscle), the protein requirements to meet your goals, understanding your body type (how well your body responds to exercise and diet), and any health issues you have been diagnosed with so that you could determine the accurate calculations of your personal calorie needs in meeting your health goal.

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