Strength Training for the grip – Strengthening the grip through exercises
|Having a strong grip a goes a long way as you can use it in a lot of things. Now, I am not just referring to playing sports though it is obvious that you would benefit from having a strong grip if you are playing sport. What are you referring to then? I am referring to those things that many neglect since they believe that people don’t care about them, which include opening a jar of pickle. Common, no one will appreciate that. It may not meant much to anyone, but doing that for your girl would give you a positive point for your love one. What can I do to strengthen my grip then? Below are some of the best methods to strengthen the grip.

When it comes to strengthening the grip, most people would quickly turn to that hand gripper , looking like an upside-down “V” that have built-in tension to build up grip endurance and strength. Yes, they do work, but there are other methods, as well that you might want to try, especially for the advanced grip strength training.
Climbing or pulling a rope is one of the most advanced ways to have a strong grip. They are an effective tool to get that iron grip that you want. Most especially if you’re sport has something to do with ropes like rock climbing. It is incredibly effective, as well for gymnastics, among other sports. Some people tend to use sandbags to develop their body’s endurance as well as develop a fantastic grip. Sandbags are great because of their very nature: they are so loose and pliable that you need to dig into them to keep them from falling out of your grasp! And their weight causes your hand and forearm muscles to get stronger because of the force they must exert to keep a hold on them.
Still, there are others who like to opt for isometric contraction exercises to develop their grip strength. With isometric exercises, you don’t need any equipment because it can be done anywhere, and can be completed in the least possible time. One scientific study done in the 1950s reported a strength increase of five percent per week when performing isometric muscle contraction training, with only SECONDS of training on each muscle group. This was shown to happen because of the way isometric contractions are performed: A muscle or muscle group tightened to the hardest (or maximum) degree, then that the amount of tension is HELD for a number of seconds, then slowly relaxed. This method of training considered as more effective than weight training in the experiments conducted with a control group of weight trainers and an experimental group using isometrics.