3 Myths About Cardio Exercise
|Cardio exercise otherwise known as aerobic exercise has a lot of benefits to the body. Not only does it strengthens the heart muscles, but also improves respiration, provides muscle tone, reduces the risk of heart disease, and increases bodily energy and endurance. You can get cardio exercises through aerobics, running, basketball, tennis, boxing, rope skipping, and dancing. However, some fitness buffs believe in certain myths about cardiovascular exercises. I want to tackle these common myths about cardio exercises.

Myth #1: “You can burn off more fat if you don’t eat breakfast before doing your morning cardio exercise.” Doing cardio exercise before eating should not be practiced since the body temperature is at its lowest during the morning hours, and so it will take you longer than usual to warm up and get your muscles working. Aside from what I already shared, you can’t burn off more fat if you do your cardio exercise before eating breakfast. The best time to burn those fats off is when you are sleeping.
Myth #2: “You should do cardio exercise before doing weight training.” Some instructors still implement this to their clients. Little do they know that it is better doing the cardio exercise after a session of lifting weights! Cardio exercises use the glycogen stored in your muscles. When you are doing strength training, you have less glycogen for strength training. Glycogen needed in building those muscles.
Myth #3: “You have to sweat to get the most out of cardio exercise.” Sweating means that your body is too hot. Sweating allows the body to cool down. It has nothing to do with how effective your workout is, and even light exercise such as walking that does not make you sweat can help you get rid of a substantial number of calories.
The book is packed with info that will work to help get you in the best shape of your life whitout spending hours in the gym. These are proven principles. The publisher should have taken more time to proof read the book. It is filled with errors. One exercise with description has pictures of a different exercise, there are other parts that are made confusing because the wrong word is used (40:20 Timed Intervals is listed in one part as 40 seconds work: 20 seconds of work. It should be 40 seconds work: 20 seconds rest.) If you have some workout experience it is not a problem, but a beginner could be easily confused in some areas. The book apparently came out a few weeks earlier than had been planned. It looks like it was rushed for release before Christmas. They should have taken the extra time to correct the errors. Still overall a great exercise book that everybody can benefit from. You could use the info from the book to create effective workouts for a long time.