The Myth of Maintaining the Body’s Fitness Level
|If you want to have the same quality of life right now until you get older then you may want to challenge yourself to better than before.

Some people want to turn back the hands of time that they are trying hard be as fit as they can while they were younger. As they grow older, they try to keep their fitness level the same level as they were young, but, they are not challenging themselves to do better than before. Most people believe that loss of muscle is just part of aging. However, the truth is further as lose of muscle are not really part of the aging process.
The Body Loses what it does not Use
People are used to the fact that they need to challenge themselves if they want something to achieve, but most of them will shy away from furthering their strength training sessions, thinking that their achievement is all what they need as they age. Assuming that they do not need to challenge their body anymore to gain more strength since all they need now is to maintain their strength level. However, the truth is that they should challenge their muscle to grow, or it will be diminish in size, flexibility and strength as they age. Maintaining your current strength level is not enough to counteract old age. There are only two things in the world of fitness, either you get stronger or get weaker. Lifting the same weight week after week will only challenge you at the start, but the more you get stronger, the same resistance is not enough to maintain your current condition.
How to Counteract Old Age?
It’s obvious as you need to challenge yourself well enough that the muscle must not be used to the same weight. Muscles should become even stronger than before. A good trainer can help you increase the lifting capability of your muscles. Consult them and you are on your way to a healthy and stronger you.